The Redemption – Chapter 5

It was many hours before the doctors wheeled the teenager back out hooked to various machines and with drips feeding through the blood to replace the blood he had lost and a machine breathing for him. Marnac looked to the monitors and notice the boys blood pressure had dropped below what it should have been he could not do anything but shake his head.  As he saw the kid strapped and out cold he needed to know what the score was with this child, would he pulled through or was he going to die? Could any one answer his questions? The order to keep him alive came from some high order no one new why no one took the kill shot.


The room seemed to fill with the beeps from the machine and the ventilator movements as the boy was sleeping. Marnac sat back and shook his head for a minute as he tried to work the madness out. A brief moment in time everything seemed to stop as Marnac lent forward and whispered in the boys ear “Come back kid, you need to find your way home.” Marnac was not ever sure the kid could hear him but in a way hoped he could. As nurses walked into the room and checked how the boy was doing as they checked the monitors and change the bags.


“Hows he doing” Marnac looked to the small oval faced young lady dressed in a blue and white pinafore dress.


“He will survive if that’s what your asking, he’s been in three weeks and they are thinking about waking him up. Or trying to wake him up we know who he is and his crimes his body seems to be healing and lucky those shooters knew what to aim at they missed his major organs.” The nurse looked over for a minute as all the medics had figured it was a miracle the injuries was not worse and the kid survived.


“He’s a good kid at heart like most kids but something set him on the wrong path something we never got to the bottom of. Then again we never really got passed the attitude he had with us but if he survives then there is plenty of time for that to happen.” Marnac looked to the teen in the bed and saw the kids hand move slightly “I don’t think you need to wake him up hes coming back.”


The nurse hit the panic button as Iuan’s eyes started to open and panic spread across his face as he realized he could not move and felt something hard down his throat instantly he thought he was choking and wanted it out. As he looked to Marnac who was now lent over him.


“Alright kid calm down the doc will be in soon, just do as your told.” the soldier ordered as he looked over aware he had another hour of duty before he could go anywhere else.  As a tall dark haired olive skinned doctor walked in and looked over for a minute as he walked to the bed.


“Welcome back to the world Iuan, I am Dr Ranolph Raven I have been in charge of your care since you came in. Lets get this tube out and make you more comfortable!” he made sure the boy was comfortble and started to remove the tube which was not nice for the child as the kid started to panic “Take a deep breathe and hold it” the doctor ordered and saw the kid do it A few minutes later he looked to the kid “Alright breathe out as hard as you can.” he ordered and removed the device as he looked over “let him have a drink of water his throat will be sore.” the doctor stated he knew the pain the tube could cause and sat him up to drink a little


”Do you know what happened?” Marnac helped the child with the water “take sips not big gulps.”


“I was shot..” the kid tried to remember the last moments but it was disjointed and in bits instead of complete sequence of events “Hostages? Garage?” he wasn’t sure but it was what he saw or what he remembered briefly “I killed my dad” he stumbled over the last few words kind of in shock as he looked over.


“Yes you killed your father which is why your under-arrest that the primary charge, secondary was holding ten people against their will at a gas station.” Marnac told him to try and jog the boys memory not thinking the damage it could do when he saw the kid blank expression on his face.


“I sort of remember your Copeland right? I don’t know the others though.” he looked to the other soldiers dressed in the same uniform as him “I’m too bad for heaven and not bad enough for hell.” a small smirk appeared on the boys tired face as the kid took steady breathes.


“Hey kid do you know where you are?” the doctor looked over as he checked the boys statistic over for a few minutes.




“Your at St Jowan’s memorial Hospital in intensive care, Do you know the date and day?” the doctor asked and looked over for a minute.


Iuan shook his head as he tried to take it all in and looked to his guards and the doctor for a few minutes. As he tried to work it all out and thought about things for a while with a frown he could not put it all together and again tried to move his hands but found he couldn’t.


“You have cuffs on attached to the bed we could not risk it kid.” Marnac looked to the child fave him a look telling the teen to calm down and relax.


“Alright it’s may 23rd 2020, you have been in a coma for three weeks and can you tell me who the President is?” the doctor was running through the preliminary checks as he thought about what had happened aware he would have to inform the police and security he was awake.


“Mr Wilhelm Heinzner” he stated as he thought about it how could he forget his fathers boss, the man who had changed his life for ever when he gave his father the position of head of security commander of the presidents personal guard. With this he closed his eyes and tried to force the memories of his family to the background of his mind.



Marnac moved slightly so the doc could ask Iuan the necessary questions aware it would be a long road for the kid. But smiled when he heard the teen say that he remembered the presidents name as he figured this meant his memory was still good and hoped what he’d forgot would come back to him over the proceeding time.


“Alright I will inform the security he’s awake and the police, on top of that I want him to undergo evaluation in a few days but for now he is not fit enough for trial or appear in court.” The doctor looked to Marnac for a minute


“That’s fine, I believe he can be tried in his absence doc just get him fit enough to be moved to a more secure facility and the doctors over there will deal with him.” Marnac looked to the child aware the kid would need to be moved back to the institution once the checks was done and the docs give him the okay.


“You looking at a week minimum we have to ensure he’s eating and drinking, theres no risk of infection before I sign off on this kid.  I know others would send out with out checking him but tell the truth this hospital likes to keep its reputation intact Major.” The doctor looked over aware the boy was lucky but could not let him out without making sure the lad was fit enough for the journey.


“Alright then the cuffs and guard stays I just hope that you have the help you need, I am sure here you will I know a good few doctors all of them are fantastic at what they do.” he thought for a minute and looked to the kid with a smirk “I will be back my duty is over but Stewart here will watch you and there’s plenty of soldiers as well as cops outside ready and waiting to make the kill shot.” Marnac warned the boy as he got from the chair and walked to the door when the two guards went out to talk this left the kid confused over what was happening but Iuan just shut his eyes for a minute.


A few minutes later the soldier walked in with a magazine and sat back to watch the kid. No one dared talk to the prisoner as the room filled with an air of anger and mistrust as Iuan looked to the soldier for a few minutes then back to the ceiling.. For weeks this was the routine medical guys walking in and checking the statistics or the catering putting food down and Marnac or whoever was on duty feeding him as no one trusted him to do it himself. Iuan had been trained to speak when spoken to and no longer in the mood to do much talking as he found the memories hitting home harder each time.  Until a tall man in black trousers and boots, leather jacket looked over to the teen as he walked in.


“Hey there kid I’m Jediah Walker, I am a consultant psychiatrist sent by the court to carry out a evaluation they call me over when ever they need approval to..” the doctor although was upbeat in his speech and mannerisms found he had been cut off.


“Yeah I know, Doctor De’ath and Tavian Instutions deal with me for Oppositional Defiance Disorder and ADHD. I guess you need my life story right or going to bring in the priests to exorcise me? Trust me father tried that it don’t work.” he thought about it and looked over for a minute the pain and suffering was all gods fault and Jesus certainly did not die for him or that was how it felt. The more Iuan thought about things the more he realized his life was hell and he was alive, something kept him alive.


“That may be the case but the courts want me to evaluate you to see how you are, and I can make a report and we can discuss might be able to put into place things that could help you.” The doctor had heard a lot about this teen and read his file to make enough decision on the child’s well being but knew he needed to talk to the child over everything.  Iuan knew he did not have much choice as he started to tell him every aspect of his life from the first time in the institution through to the last time and all the abuse from both parents and their friends.


“that last day I did not want to kill him just talk sure when I first met him I did but when I saw the tired old man who seemed so frail I decided against it. Something was wrong with him and I wanted to know what, but we argued and I just saw red before I lashed out at him it was like something had control of me. By the time I came through it was too late and he was on the floor in a pool of blood, I just sat there for a few minutes listening to the voices around me but no one was there apart from me and him.  After a while I ran through the back streets my top covered in blood and trousers as well I was numb did not know what I was doing. But got to the lake and took the top off and..”he shook his head as he tried to remember everything from that moment and saw Marnac in the door.


“He is definately mentally ill and should be committed to the asylum rather than a prison he needs serious help. In prison they don’t know how to handle this and he’ll just get worse I am going to say he is not well enough to stand trial due to deminished responsibility.” the more doctor listened to the boy he knew that the illness was caused by social events more than anything else but it was enough to prove his guilt by deminished responsibility. “I will request a second opinion and most likely a third to double check what I think but it is safe to say he has suffered a psychotic break caused by everything he suffered. If I had to give a diagnosis I would say Multiple Personality Disorder with Psychosis. And depression” the doctor had given the first major diagnosis and knew he could get a couple of doctors but noticed that had taken a lot out of the child and decided to leave it until another day.  But walked out and started to write a series of drugs on the chart to try and get the illness under-control.


Iuan settled back and looked to Marnac who was sat in deep thought but still on guard incase iuan got out of the straps or needed something. As the doctors was outside talking to each other over the treatment he heard doc De’ath and Raven talk about him and grew cold but tried to hide the panic he had in his mind.


“Why did not you tell us that was happening kid we could have stopped it?” Marnac looked over he always had a feeling something was wrong but kept quiet and looked to the kid. Marnac’s was angry with himself over it but his job was to follow orders and not interfere in the day to day life of the prisoners as he looked over and noticed Bastian stood in the doorway.


“No one would believe me it would have been seen as disrespect to my folks and put down as my illness. You would not have acted even if I said anything so there was no point to it.” Iuan looked over he was scared but felt a little better for telling the doctors over the abuse he had suffered his dad was dead now he could not suffer any more by his hands but he did not know what would happen next. Could he ever recover or achieve a life the thought of that was never on his mind he did not even stop to think about the impact it all had on his brain.  Bastian walked in and helped Marnac check the straps as they noticed Iuan settle down and try to get some rest for the next few hours Iuan remained still and resting while the soldiers filled out the papers on the prisoners care and the doctor brought in the declaration of insanity. The days soon filled up with the observations and talks with many different psychiatrists and psychologists all declaring the same diagnosis and cause.


Many left apollogising to the child for what had happened and knew life in the asylum was not going to be pleasant for the child as many high security hospitals was still very archaic places but it might work with the teen.  Eventually the teen was allowed back to his feet and cuffed so they could take him to an awaiting prison transport by which time he was heavily sedated and unable to fight back at that moment.


Iuan looked around as they walked him secured with cuffs and arm restraints as well as shackled down the long winding corridor towards the main corridors aware the medics beep the door open and out where the press was stood waiting for him to walk snapping his photo as soon as they let him out of the intensive care ward almost falling Marnac and Chad grabbed him tighter to stop him falling and walked to a silver metallic lift as the door opened.


“All right step in kid,” Marnac ordered aware there was a unit of heavily armed soldiers with them when he nodded to Stanton and Erickson. To wait for a minute as Iuan stepped forward “Okay boys you two head out soon as we get down there and bring the wagon over to the door. The rest of us have the prisoner secured and tight he wont be getting away.” Marnac ordered and saw his boys nod.


“You got it boss, and I believe they have his old room secured and prepared for him.” Erickson stated as he looked to the kid as he remembered the kid with Charles on the military barracks when they was younger now he was in serious trouble. But with the trial not far away and the clinicians willing to stand up and defend the boy, or at least give their professional opinion which meant the boy would be tried in his absence. The plead of guilty by deminished responsibility was set and evidence had been gathered to prove his guilt but also the illness.


Once the lift hit the basement floor everyone knew it would be hard but it was the floor that did not have any press for the boy to react to. They knew to keep all the stimulation down to a minimum if they needed to they had a body bag with them that could be used but no one liked that mode of transport for ill patients as this cut them from everything whether the stimulation was good or bad even though they had greater control it Marnac had made the choice not to use it on Iuan this occasion. As the boy was compliant and doing as he was told to, as Iuan walked out of the lift with assistance from the soldiers and down a badly lit room towards the outside doors.


When two soldiers ran to get the wagon and pulled up outside after a few minutes. They was secured the teen into the chair in a large caged off section of the transporter, he just looked to Marnac and shook his head as he knew not to talk until told to with the asylum and given the fact he was known for biting they’d fixed a device which was soft in his mouth but tight around the back. Something Iuan hated wearing but he had caught them off guard several times over the years as he had hurt nurmerous guards through bitting.


”I know you don’t like it but its only for an hour and you’ll be back in your old cell soon.” Marnac knew there was not anything he could do he needed to safeguard his men as well as the prisoners safety and welfare. As he made sure that he was secured and the door closed and locked behind him with the loud clinking of the locking mechanisms.


Marnac sat down in plain sight of the child and with the others dressed in green and black combat trousers and khaki top with their hands poised on the guns he looked to the soldiers for a few minutes with a sigh as he saw the panic in the boys eyes but knew he could not take anything off until they arrived at the asylum.  He looked to the unit of soldiers with him and tried to work it out as he noticed a couple of other prisoners being shipped over to the asylum from specialist holding wards at the hospital but restraint free other than the handcuffs to stop them attacking or running from custody.  As the transporter progressed through the main roads of the town and down towards the the land of the asylum Marnac looked to the prisoner in the back and then to the others.


”Alright we allow them to disbark first and get them to where they are needed to go then we move this one out and over to the isolation echo-chambers. Once there leave him in the restraints it should help reinforce that running wont be allowed in any way shape or form. Then we have work to focus on we will see how long he is in the restraints for at a later time. Could be half hour or a few hours may be we leave him for a few days.” Major Copeland stated seeing the kid so sedated he could not move as they waited for the others to leave the transport and saw the signal it was safe to move him. After a few minutes the cage was opened and Iuan felt them grab him to his feet and drag him out when they manovered him out of the van even though he fell out of the van rather than stepping this only seemed to give them time to kick him while he was down.


While Marnac copeland’s back was turned as soon as they saw him looking they got the teem back to his feet he was thirteen and in a world of trouble.. As soon as they noticed Copeland look over they helped him to his feet and walked down the wide open plan courtyard of the prison over to the main asylum.


No matter how scared he was Iuan didn’t have a choice but to do as he was being forced to his legs would not move in accordance to his own will so he was dragged through the yard with many children shouting obserdities at him and threats. As they watched him being dragged away from the van and down a small narrow bricked passageway designed to shut him from everything an everyone around him as they led him through a maze of underground tunnels and to a cell which was near to the beasts he was raised to be terrified of.  As they took him through he tried to constantly get away but due to the heavy sedation they was stronger than he was and he walked to the bed where they put him on the bed face down onto the col hard stone bed. Before they all walked out and slammed the door shut made it echoed around the room almost deafening to the child contained with in the cell.

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